Centenary Dinner – Book your place now!

with 2 Comments

The Westerley Cycle Club Centenary Dinner will take place on the evening of Saturday 16th November 2024 at:

The Drayton Court Hotel 2 The Avenue Ealing W13 8PH

The evening will include a 3 course dinner and the Annual Awards Presentation
The cost is £25 per person, which includes a subsidy from club funds.

To book a place please enter your details on the Westerley Club Dinner 2024 spreadsheet and pay. The link to the spreadsheet is:

The venue has a maximum capacity of 50 people, so booking you place early is strongly recommended!

If anyone wishes to stay at the hotel they will do a deal. Find the cheapest price the various booking websites, contact the hotel direct, say you are attending the Westerley dinner and they will give you a discount on the cheapest price you could find. 

2 Responses

  1. Lez Young
    | Reply

    I have booked for the Centenary Club Dinner and transferred the payment of £25.00 by electronic transfer with ref. LezYoung dinner.
    I look forward to renewing acquaintances and rehashing past experiences plus a good meal.

    Lez Young

    Ps what time do I aim for arrival?

  2. Paul Kennedy
    | Reply

    Hello Vince I cannot download the app for booking our place at the Centenary dinner can you tell me who in contact.

    Thanks Paul Kennedy

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