Beat Box (Hill)

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Beat Box (Hill)


Sometimes you have to do something a little different, and last Sunday was just such an occasion. A band of Westerley explorers journeyed South of the river to experience the Surrey hills. Frank and Roly joined us at Northfields having trekked to and from the Chalfonts. The Ealing mob had a lie in, with a rendezvous at Northfields. A traffic light punctuated urban section slowed the pace but Ranmore and Box provided a test with Nic and Tim jostling to the top. A lengthy coffee stop meant that we could catch up with Roly and Frank, with stories of previous kit incarnations, and awe inspiring journeys to far flung parts.
The return went at a canter as we paced by Epsom, before rain necessitated shelter at a comforting Shell garage – noted by the group later as a “Great use of a forecourt”.

As we move into Autumn we will be shortening the Sunday club rides so we can all meet up at coffee stops and not be put off too much by the weather.

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